Best “At Home” Remedies For Dealing With Skin Problems Created By Masks
While wearing a face mask is essential, and a great way of protecting yourself against unwanted air particles, constantly wearing these wardrobe items can have its own side effects. Skin problems have started to become a significant issue for those who have to keep these masks on for several hours and days at a time. Especially for front liners fighting the coronavirus. The issue is even greater for those who have pre-existing skin problems, such as acne-prone and sensitive skin. The continuous wearing of a face mask is not doing them any good. In this article, we’ll go over some of the best at-home remedies for resolving the skin issues caused by face masks.
Acne-Prone Skin

The consistent friction between your acne-prone skin and a face mask coupled with hot temperatures and high humidity can be a major trigger for breakouts. If you have acne-prone skin, it is best to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and direct sunlight. Keep your skin cool by frequently washing your face, misting, and applying ice when you can, as these are some of the best at-home remedies to keep acne and pimples away.
Consider gentle scrubs and cleansers and stay away from excessively oily or harsh chemical agents. Using pharmacological creams and serums is not the best idea because you will be wearing masks over them, and they might take weeks or months to work even if they do.
Dry Skin, Itchiness & Peeling Skin

Dry, itchy skin can be a real concern, especially because you’re forbidden to touch your face. And wearing face masks can be uncomfortable as it can lead to more itchiness and result in mask lines. Lack of moisture in your skin is one of the main reasons your skin might feel dry and itchy and even start to peel.
Wash your face frequently and use gentle cleansers plus moisturizing creams to keep your skin clean and hydrated. Avoid using scrubs that are harsh or peeling solutions that might irritate the skin on your face. Products that contain Retinoid might burn or sting, so remember to stay away from these ingredients in particular.
Treating Maskne

Face mask breakouts, or “Maskne,” is a rising problem, and it is not hard to understand why. A mask tightly wound around your skin can prevent it from letting it breathe. The long-term wearing of masks may even cause irritation and clogging. Some of the best ways and at-home remedies to prevent this kind of dermatological problem include:
Keep your face clean.
Remember wash and cleanse your face properly twice a day. It prevents any humidity or unwanted air particles from clogging your pores and accumulating around your hair follicles.
The small amount of time duration while you do this also gives your skin a few moments to breathe, which is necessary and is an essential favor you must do for your skin.
Wear clean masks.
Another critical part of avoiding acne and pimples is that you wear a clean mask every day. Dirt and germs accumulating on your mask every day while you work or lay it down to rest during the night can cause you skin problems and irritation when you put it on your face again. Therefore, it is vital that your mask is regularly washed and that it is clean every time you put it back on.
Keep your skin hydrated.
There are numerous ways to ensure that your skin is well hydrated and consists of optimum moisture. Apart from washing your face regularly and increasing your intake of water, you can add hyaluronic acid in your skincare routine as an external source of hydration. Use gentle cleansers and moisturizing face creams to keep your face fresh, clean, and hydrated. These also act as a healthy barrier between the mask and your skin. But most importantly, focus on the intake of a healthy diet. Include more fruits and vegetables since both can do wonders for your skin.